Once you Signup you will receive an email with a link to verify your account including a temporary password. After verification you can then go to the UserLogin and access your account. Within your account you have the ability to send and view messages from any SuperEShops Site you visit. You can view and manage your wishlists from all your SuperEShops Sites, ad your own comments and notes, then share your Wishlist with your Facebook and Twitter Friends. With a User Account you can earn Credits for great Discounts by using our Tools to sent invites and notifications to your friends by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and/or Email. Each click counts as a single Credit which can earn you greater and greater discounts for site sales or shipping for products you buy. And you can view the status of your orders from all your SuperEShops Sites that you have bought products from (as long as you have clicked the "Return to Site" link after completing payment for your Paypal Order)